
It would not be easy to find someone who is as uninterested in sport so spectacularly as myself. The month of July is not one of my favourites as it is heavy on sport. There is usually a major football event, and tennis and golf and other stuff as well. But eventually even my disloyal interest is caught..

In any England/Scotland game we will support Scotland, but otherwise we are supporters of England.

As we get to the later stages, I cannot bear to watch. And if it goes to penalties, it is all so chancy.

But there is hope with this English team. They are very young so they can play as a team for years to come. They were all well behaved. The Manager was fit for his position. The Manager of an English team ought to be English.

Congratulations to the Italians. They were older and more experienced. If you were not an English supporter but a betting person you would have bet on Italy to win if it came to a Penalty shoot out. You win some, you lose some.

On a separate sporting question; I do not believe it is edifying to watch great sportsmen play on long past their peak so that eventually they are ignominiously defeated by some young pup whom they would have wiped the floor with in their glory days.   There   is a time to acknowledge that your days are numbered and quietly leave the field with your dignity still intact.

on having too many clothes


                A few weeks ago I transferred my winter wardrobe to the location of my summer wardrobe and reflected crossly that I had far too many clothes.   I had some pieces that I had brought from Scotland (which we left in 1988!) and there were many outfits  that  had not been worn at all in the previous year.

I prefer clothes of classic design and of natural fibres so they are  mostly still quite wearable, but even so…  For the last few weeks I have begun an overhaul of my wardrobe.

I have not followed ‘expert’ advice and done it all in one day.  Starting on the left hand side, I’ve selected the next garment hanging up and put it on.  Some are rejected straight  away; others last perhaps until lunch time.  Anything that doesn’t fit, doesn’t suit me, I don’t like the colour or design, I take off and decide how I am going to dispose of it.  Some I have made into rags;  some I have sent to charity shops, and many of them I have cut into 5” squares for making into simple patchworks.

Space is beginning to appear in my overstuffed cupboards.   I have quite a few alterations to carry out.

I’ve decided I’m going to make sewing pattern pieces from clothes that fit m well, and I’m opting for very simple garments:  a pair of straight legged front  zipped trousers; a collarless jacket with buttons which can be worn as a dress, of various lengths and with and without different sleeves, and a T shirt styled top with different length sleeves.  Maybe a shirt-waister although it doesn’t really suit me, and pyjamas.

I am about halfway through the process.   I can foresee a day when I might get my clothes into one wardrobe instead of three.

Life is too short to be burdened with too many clothes.

Did I say that?